We have finally made it to May and as of this posting, there are 20 days of school left! AND we are finally beginning to have warm, spring weather! We are on the down hill stretch! We are wrapping things up in guidance classes. The focus for the kindergarten students is growth mindset. They will watch a power point and then participate in a small group challenge that will encourage them to practice what they have learned. Both first and second grades will be reflecting on what they have learned and accomplished throughout the year. Each grade level has a fun activity to complete, which will help them reflect. The third grade students will play a jeopardy game that focuses on growth mindset.
With summer getting close, I have been thinking about various activities that I would like to add to my "Summer 2018 bucket list." Schedules can still be somewhat hectic with extra curricular activities, but I am certain that I will hear that dreaded phrase: "I'm bored." I think this is something every kid has said at some point or another during summer break. (If your child has never said this, count yourself one of the blessed few.) When I was little, I made the phrase into a song, that drove my mother crazy. Sometimes I would get suggestions of what I could do and sometimes I was left to figure it out on my own. In revisiting my previous end of the year blogs, I talked about how it is not the parents sole responsibility to keep a child entertained. I still stand by that! We are parents, not the children's activities director at a camp or on a cruise ship. It is ok to encourage your child to entertain themselves from time to time. In doing this, you are helping your child develop skills that will be used throughout their lives. Problem solving skills, social skills and creative thinking to name a few. Here is a website that offers many ideas for pool noodles (not all of them require a pool!) https://www.themaven.net/kidsactivities/kidsactivities/21-ways-to-play-with-pool-noodles-this-summer-8YfUOavD_kGF0g5cV8LVTw?full=1 Here is an article with activity ideas using Dollar Store finds. https://www.buzzfeed.com/mikespohr/29-dollar-store-finds-that-will-keep-your-kids-busy-all-summ?bffb&utm_term=.dgZEPGD9x#.qkvlW7gNM Here is one last article that warns about some dangerous apps, that may be on a child's device. https://foreverymom.com/family-parenting/6-dangerous-apps-jenny-rapson/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Mique&utm_campaign=danger+apps I'm not certain how old this article is and may have used it before, however it never hurts to throw out a reminder of the dangers of the internet. It can be too easy to let kids play on devices for long periods of times. What may seem like a peaceful time for an adult, can actually be very dangerous for kids. It can seem like an uphill battle because the internet is constantly changing. Some of the apps mentioned in the article may not be as popular now, but it doesn't hurt to revisit the security settings on devices!
I hope that everyone has a wonderful and restful summer break! Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can help in any way! -Kim Bennett, Guidance Counselor, K-3 Campus
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
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Hey April, I'm loving your weather! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and great spring break! We are on the down hill sli...

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