Monday, December 7, 2020

     Hello December, as the year of weird comes to an end.  We are certainly not where we want to be, in many situations.  I'm sure those situations vary from person to person.  It could be health, employment, school and the holidays just to name a few.  I think it's pretty safe to say that this pandemic has touched every part of our lives.  I am trying to be hopeful and think of the positives situations that have occurred since this entire mess began.  Several people have talked about how the pandemic has increased our time spent with family, which I hope has been a good thing.  It has made us slow down and take a break from the world of run, run, run unless your are in the medical field!  Hats off to all those in that field who have been running a marathon with no end in sight!  Here's another thought to ponder: I am glad that this pandemic happened in the year 2020 and not in 1980, when there was no internet (that we knew of anyway!).  Education would have been an even bigger challenge.  Can you image getting all your children's lessons by snail mail?  Also, working from home would not have been an option for many types of jobs, meaning that several businesses would have shut down completely.  Don't get me wrong,  I am not thankful for the actual pandemic.  I am thankful for some of the results of the pandemic.

     It is very interesting to me that we are faced with the pandemic, while going through the season of Advent.  Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation.  Could the words Advent and pandemic be switched in that previous sentence?  It would read as "The pandemic is a time of preparation and anticipation."  I think they could be switched.  We hear a lot about patience during Advent, as we learn to prepare and wait.  So I choose to think about the preparations for Advent.  By diving into ways that can build our relationship with God, the season we are in seems more bearable and worthwhile.  The line from the original Star Wars movie repeatedly comes to mind: " Almost there, almost there."  Hang on to your faith, or as I say, "Tie a knot at the end of the rope and hang on."  God is that knot.  This is easier said than done at times so don't go it alone.  Reach out to your family and friends.  Another positive from the pandemic is people helping other people.  Take care of your self, which may mean something as small as a 5 minute walk or a quick journal entry.  Focus on the Advent preparations.  My favorite is the Dynamic Catholic devotions.  Here is that link:  I'm sure your church has other Advent resources, and there are endless possibilities when you search Advent activities on Pinterest.  Although Christmas will look very different this year, Jesus' birth and His promise to us has not changed, not even the tiniest bit!

      On the education side of things, we are moving along with adaptations in education.  If your child/children are struggling, please let us know.  I can arrange zoom meetings with students/families if they want to talk.  Obviously there are no guidance classes this month, but I am still available to help.  The best way to reach me is through email:  or you can call (270)-684-7583.  

      I hope everyone experiences a beautiful season of Advent, a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and stays healthy!

       Hey April, I'm loving your weather!   I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and great spring break!  We are on the down hill sli...