As we continue in the season of Lent, I can't help but feel a little excited, maybe because of the warm weather! This is one of my favorite times of the year! Easter is coming soon! I have always thought that Christmas is great, but Easter is even better! Christmas is just the beginning of the story. Without Easter, without Jesus dying for us on the cross and rising from the dead, Christmas would be the equivalent of "Once upon a time......" with nothing following it. The Paschal Triduum is such a sorrowful time wheen we remember all the horrible things that Jesus experienced on this Earth. But it was all done with love and mercy for us. For me. For you. As the song goes, "What wondrous love is this." I hope everyone has a Blessed Easter and can experience the love and mercy that was given to us.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" We have all asked this question and have been asked this question. April's lessons will focus on careers. The lessons will introduce them to many different careers. The older students will learn how personal preferences effect the career a person can choose. I have not covered this topic before, but there are some great lessons planned for the students. The third grade students will have an interactive power point that asks them to choose from six different activities, with each activity being color coded. For instance if a person prefers learning about math equations, then that student will go to the red center. They will be asked to do this through ten different slides. After going through all the slides they will decide which color they chose the most and then go to that color/area. From there they will learn about the specific career cluster they chose, including the various careers in that cluster. For example, Business Services is one career cluster that lists the following careers: entrepreneur, delivery driver, chef, bank clerk, accountant and sales agent. Each career poster lists the daily tasks, work place, tools, skills, work values and education that is related to that specific career. The second grade students will be doing a similar activity where they have to choose their preference of activities, as indicated by the interactive power point. Their activity also is color coded. At the end of the power point they have to determine which color they have the most and then return to that color/area. They will then be asked to solve the following problem: "Your class is needing supplies (pencils, books, crayons, etc.) In your group, create a plan for how you could the get the supplies needed." They will then develop a plan from the mindset of the career cluster, in which they were placed. An example would be a gardener from the agricultural sciences career cluster, could sell plants to raise money for the supplies. The first grade students will watch a "Safari Career Day" power point and discuss various skills and interests of the careers in the story. They will then think of their own interest, skills and possible career choices. The kindergarten transition class is watching a power point about careers and then playing a go fish game or a dominoes game that is career focused. The kindergarten classes are doing centers that focus on community helpers and safe/healthy choices.
In putting all of the lesson's together, I did a little research about careers. Having once seen a video called "Shift Happens," several years ago, I googled "Shift Happens 2019." The video for 2018 popped up. Here is the link if you have a moment to watch. It is fascinating. The video talks about how fast our world is changing in regards to information, education and careers. Here are some of the quotes form the video:
-Many of today's most in-demand jobs didn't exist 10 years ago.
-Researchers predict that 65% of today's grade schoolers will hold jobs that don't yet exist.
This one is mind boggling:
We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist using technologies that haven't been invented, in order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet!
I'm not certain of the fact checks on the videos, but the video is intriguing and can get a person thinking about what is coming or could possibly occur. Hopefully some of the concepts I teach in the guidance classes will still be helpful for students as they grow!
As always, please let me know if I can be of any assistance or can help in any way. (270) 684-7583 or kim.bennett@owensboro
I hope you have a very blessed and happy Easter!
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
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