Monday, December 4, 2017


         "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not
                                  overcome it"  John 1:5
           December started out crazy, with our unexpected day off, and it doesn't look like it will settle down much!  It is such a busy time of year for everyone.  In the preparations for the big holiday, it is easy to forget the real reason for the preparations.  I'm wondering if God new it would slowly become this way so he provided us with His own special season of preparation-advent.  I hope you were able to attend the diocesan-wide Eucharistic adoration held on December 3rd.  If you were not able to, it's not too late.  Many parishes have Eucharistic adoration at some point during the month, if not frequently.  Our Lady of Lourdes has constant Eucharistic adoration, if there is not a mass being held.   I did go to my parishes service and will admit that I did not want to go.  As mentioned before, this time of year is so busy and I had so much to do on that Sunday.  My mind was kicked into high gear thinking about everything going on and all the things that had to be done that day.  With that said, I made myself leave a reception and went.  Just me-no husband, no kids.  Maybe I should have made them go, but that is an argument for another time.  Sitting down in church, I tried to clear my mind and say, "Here I am."  With my special intentions in mind, I sat, listened and  watched.  And ever so slowly, I relaxed, unwound and re-energized.  As I was trying to put it all in His hands,  I found myself reciting a divine mercy chaplet.  Actually I was singing it in my head, as the students at the K-3 Campus do.  I can't really put into words what I got out of that service, but it was worth it.  I hope everyone has a chance to attend Eucharistic adoration.  He loves you so much and he is patiently waiting for you.  It's a great way to focus on the real reason for this season!
     For guidance classes this month, we are focusing on random acts of kindness and "paying it forward."  Kindergarten through second grade will be reading the book Shall I Knit You a Hat?  This is the story of a little rabbit whose mother knits him a hat because a big snow storm is coming.  Being moved so much by the gesture, the rabbit asks his mother to knit hats for all their friends.  He wants them to be prepared for the snow storm as well.  We are talking about the rabbit's random act of kindness and how he "paid it forward."  The students are also making Christmas cards for the Carmel Home's residents and staff workers.  We are ending the class by saying a Hail Mary for them.  The third graders are making "Random Acts of Kindness Cootie Catchers."  This is a more difficult activity that I think the third graders will enjoy.  Hopefully they will play and actually do the acts of kindness suggested in the game!  All of the classes are watching a video about "paying it forward.  Here is the link to the video.   The students count how many random acts of kindness that they see, which also keeps them focused!
         I hope that everyone has a Blessed and Merry Christmas!

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       Hey April, I'm loving your weather!   I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and great spring break!  We are on the down hill sli...