I hope everyone has a restful spring break! As we return to school, we begin Holy Week. This is my favorite time of year. I am reminded of God's unending love for us and the promise of a new life. I hope everyone has a blessed Holy Week and Happy Easter! Here is the link to one of my favorite songs for this time of year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StW6ZKHRCFo Also, here is a link to a blog that has some cool Easter activity ideas. (I personally like the one where you "egg" a neighbor's home. No, it's not what you think. You'll have to read it to find out what I'm talking about!) https://www.pinterest.com/pin/102456960254254267/
This will be the last month for guidance classes, due to May being so short! It seems like we were just beginning guidance classes. Kindergarten through 4th grade will be focusing on the final guideline for success: "Try Your Best in All You Do." This lesson goes hand in hand with "Show a Positive Attitude." All of the stories being read will focus on trying your best even when times are difficult or discouraging. Here is a list of ways to encourage your child when things are tough.

5th grade guidance will focus on defining integrity and how it pertains to bullying. We will also discuss cyber bullying. I have learned so much from the 5th graders as I taught the various lessons on bullying. I hope they have learned something as well. I finished working on ILPs, with the 6th grader, during the month of March. They will be having the "Character Counts" classes with Officer Castro, for the remainder of the year. The 6th graders will be bringing home a "college/career" folder in the upcoming weeks. This folder supports what they have been learning while forming their ILPs. I feel like this group of 6th graders have gone farther with the Career Cruising program than any other 6th grade class. In our last class, the students found the most expensive college in the United States, using the education tab. Ask your student if they remember what it is or better yet if they can show you how they found it!
As always, if you have any questions or need to contact me, I can be reached at the K-3 Campus (684-7583) or at the 4-6 Campus (683-6989). You can also email me at:
Again, I hope you all have a blessed Holy Week and Happy Easter!
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