Hello March! This weather definitely has been a breath of fresh air, and I hope it continues to be warm and pretty. This month's focus will be "Show a positive attitude" (for the K-3 Campus) and "Imitate Christ in all things" (for the 4-6 Campus). The Lenten lessons, from last month, will continued to be discussed as well!
Showing a positive attitude can be so difficult to do and this month gives us a chance to really emphasize the effects of being positive. As I was researching various activities for the student's guidance classes I found some interesting articles on failure. What does failure have to do with showing a positive attitude? A LOT! I won't say that it is looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, but I will say it is realistic. In this article from All Pro Dad http://www.allprodad.com/10-things-to-teach-your-kids-about-failure/ one of the first points mentioned was "not everyone gets a trophy" and the "everybody wins" concept. As you and I both know, not everyone wins. There are people who fail. There are teams who fail. There are businesses that fail. Failing is a part of life and it can be difficult. What if we were able to grasp a life growing lesson from a failure? What if we were able to share that with our children? People would think of failure in a different light, a positive light! This article definitely presents us with a growth mindset. If you would like to learn about instilling a growth mindset in your children, try reading this article http://imaginationsoup.net/2014/09/17/help-child-unmotivated-growth-fixed-mindset/ by Melissa Taylor. This is another great article that can guide parents on ways to praise kids and help them grow. (Make sure to watch the video clip, in the article, by Championship Newsletter.) The 3rd, 4th and 5th graders (4th and 5th graders will cover this next month) will get a copy of a growth mindset chart that looks like this:
It will be put to good use during guidance class and I hope the students continue to use it long afterwards!
The 4th and 5th grader's lessons are going to focus on "Imitating Christ in all things." The students will be reading The Quilt Maker's Gift, by Jeff Brumbeau. This is a story about giving to others. How perfectly it goes with the Jubilee Year of Mercy and the season of Lent. A king learns about giving, contentment and kindness, by giving away all of his prized possessions. This article http://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/spiritual-growth-for-kids/teaching-servanthood/stewardship-sacrifice-and-a-ceiling-fan-teaching-kids-the-joy-of-giving from Focus On the Family, reviews some giving basics but also has some neat suggestions for ways to include our children in our giving as a family. I could post link after link about inspirational stories of people selflessly giving to others. However, there are stories like this surrounding us. Kids who ask for donations for others instead of birthday gifts. Teens collecting shoes for those who have none. This month, the Aces Crusaders are working with the 4-6 Campus in collecting donations to make "blessing bags' for children who are placed in foster care or have to stay at an emergency shelter. A lot of thought and discussion went into the decision of making blessing bags for children. The students discussed the needs of children in emergency situations and what could help them feel better. It is the works of mercy in action and it humbles my heart to hear how the students care for these children. I hope that we continue to teach our children to give, even at times when it is not comfortable, all for the Lord.
6th grade parents, the KHEAA accounts are open! I will begin introducing the 6th graders to their Individual Learning Plans, which will include completing an interest inventory with each student. Be on the look out for papers giving you step by step instructions for students to sign into their accounts. Have your child show you around the sight and show you their survey. There is a lot to see! The information on this site just begins to scratch the surface of the unlimited possibilities for their futures.
As always, feel free to email me with any concerns or feed back you may have at kim.bennett@owensborocatholic.org or I can be reached at either school at (270) 683-6989 (4-6 Campus) or (270) 684-7583.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
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Hey April, I'm loving your weather! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and great spring break! We are on the down hill sli...

W elcome to the 2015-2016 school year! I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful summer because everyone here, at the K-3 and 4-6 Cam...
Hello March! This weather definitely has been a breath of fresh air, and I hope it continues to be warm and pretty. This month'...
The school days are off and rolling! With each passing day, I hope that everyone is getting into the groove of the school day/we...
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