Also coming this month will be an internet safety presentation by Officer Courtney Yerington, with the Owensboro Police Department. Officer Courtney is our D.A.R.E. officer and teaches "Character Counts" at the K-3 Campus. While the internet can be such an asset, it can also be very dangerous. Internet safety is the topic of the guidance lessons this month. With the younger grades, we talk about stranger danger and how that exists in the internet. We compare the internet to a digital neighborhood and how they should only go to places that are safe for them, only talk to people they know and always ask parents for permission to get on the internet. The older grades will discuss what personal information is, safe screen names that can be used and practice identifying safe communication on the internet. To sum it up, we are working on the basic concepts of safety. The students will also receive an activity book from NetSmartzKids.org, which is website that teaches internet safety through videos and games. Mrs. Jennifer, the Chromebook lab instructor, sometimes shows the students the videos from this website and lets them play the games, as a reward. This is a safe website for them to visit at home, as well!
I would love to say that we could put our kids in a bubble and protect them from all the dangers when using various devices and the internet but that it not realistic. They will face it sooner or later in this crazy world. I am hoping to help build a strong foundation that they will remember and call upon when they are faced with decisions in this digital realm. It is my hope that they have the tools, confidence and integrity to make the right decision. Unfortunately, just one swipe of the key or just one click "send" can have life altering consequences. That is the world in which we live. I strongly encourage you to attend Officer Courtney's presentation on February 18th, at 6:00. The presentation will be at Owensboro Catholic High School, in Soenneker Hall.
In March, guidance lessons will focus on making and keeping friendships. Kindergarten will read a story called Tattle Tale Tongue and play a game on when to tell and not to tell. They will also play a game where they decided what are and are not friendly actions. Kindergarten transition have superhero themed friendship activities as well as some conflict resolution activities to complete. First grade will be doing friendship centers. Second grade has a Kahoot game on how to be a friend and will also play a "social filter-what to say and not say" scoot game. Third grade will complete the friendship escape room. This is one of my favorite activities of the year, to do. This lesson not only teaches them about friendship but also puts into action cooperation and teamwork! Throughout all the lessons we talk about the golden rule-treat others the way you would like to be treated.
I hope to see you at the upcoming events and as always, please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help your student, you or your family. I can be reached at (270)684-7583 or at kim.bennett@owensborocatholic.org.