I hope that everyone had a wonderful, joyful Easter filled with blessings! Each year, the crucifixion seems to have so much more meaning to me and I think about Jesus's death more in depth. Yet I am reminded of past lessons with the students when we talked about God's plan and how Easter is "the beginning!" As one very dear child reflected: doesn't death mean that we go to heaven? Shouldn't we be happy about that? Out of the mouths of babes! That dear child got it. The end goal was very clear to that student. More often than not, the students teach me, and it is a blessing beyond measure!
Spring Break is here! Whether you are going away for a vacation or having a "stay-cation," I hope everyone has a wonderful break. The final seven weeks of school are sure to be action packed! It is very important for students to continue to get the rest they need and stay on track with their school assignments. Here is an article that is meant for the beginning of the school year, however, the suggestions are excellent to use this time of year, as well.
So, what's new with guidance class? The 4-6 Campus will focus on "Show A Positive Attitude." It's still a favorite lesson of mine! Guidance class will focus on "growth mindset." We will talk about positive statements they can make in the face of adversity. There was an article in the March blog on growth mindset, that I would suggest reading if you didn't have a chance to do so last month. 6th graders will continue working on their Individual Learning Plans. The K-3 Campus will be moving on to our last guideline, "Try Your Best In All You Do," which also ties into the "growth mindset" concept. Last month I included a list of suggested "say this, not that" statements for students. Here is an article, for parents that gives similar suggestions of "say this, not that." imperfectfamilies.com/2012/11/06/say-this-not-that-a-parents-guide/ This is a really good list of suggestions, such ask your child "What was their favorite part of the day?" and not "How was you day?" I am as guilty of asking that question as the next person! They are all statements to help improve communication and foster self esteem.
Finally, here is an article for parents of daughters, discussing their beauty. It is not talking about outer beauty, but inner beauty. In today's world, our daughters are constantly being subjected to criticism and being told that they should look "this way" or "that way." This article helps parents foster inner beauty so girls will follow "God's way." www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/to-your-daughter-speak-the-truth And here is an article that is good for a laugh. If you have ever struggled with putting a toddler to bed, this is for you! www.huffingtonpost.com/honest-toddler/how-to-put-a-toddler-to-bed-in-100-easy-steps_b_4968226.html
Again, Happy Easter and have a happy and peaceful spring break!
Friday, April 1, 2016
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Hey April, I'm loving your weather! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and great spring break! We are on the down hill sli...

W elcome to the 2015-2016 school year! I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful summer because everyone here, at the K-3 and 4-6 Cam...
Hello March! This weather definitely has been a breath of fresh air, and I hope it continues to be warm and pretty. This month'...
The school days are off and rolling! With each passing day, I hope that everyone is getting into the groove of the school day/we...