We are quickly moving into September! If you are like me, you're thinking, "Where is this year going?" Hopefully all the students are getting settled into a routine, at school and at home. The beginning of the school year can be a big adjustment for even the most seasoned veteran. For those parents of younger school children, don't be alarmed if you still see tears or some hesitation. With the Labor Day weekend coming up, students are sometimes thrown off with just the one day off. Getting a daily routine in place is essential for students and for us as parents. I encourage parents to utilize the drop-off line, with these types of situations. This may not seem to make sense, but so often I see a student entering the building in tears, with Mom or Dad in tow. Most frequently, the student quits crying and becomes engaged with the activities in the classroom before the parents have had time to make it to their car! By utilizing the drop-off line, you can encourage you child to take charge of their day. It is showing them that you trust them to make to their room and get their day started. Also, it can be a lot easier on you in the long run. For some parents, their child is the opposite of the tearful one. They can't wait to get out and be on their way! And for the much older ones, being seen with mom in the drop off line is just down right embarrassing! This is painful as well. We work so hard to encourage our children to be independent and then when the time comes, we are taken aback. "Where did that come from? I want to be there for them and I want them to WANT me with them."
As usual, I have found some good articles to check out if you are feeling this way. Here is a good one: www.eden-ky.com/2015/06/training-wheels/. Here is a good read for ways to encourage kids beginning the new school year-www.wearethatfamily.com/?s=back+to+school. And finally this a good prayer for every parent with children in school: www.wearethatfamily.com/2014/08/a-back-to-school-prayer-for-my-children/.
So what are we doing in guidance class this month?
For K-3 students, we are beginning to cover our fist Guideline for Success: Cooperate with everyone. The students are also beginning with MAP testing, which you will learn more about during parent teacher conferences.
For 4-6 students , we are waiting until October to begin the guidance program, due to MAP testing. Because of the grade level, they will be taking a few more tests, which will require more time. I llok forward to beginning guidance lesson with them in October!