Wednesday, January 3, 2018

     Happy New Year!  Let me start off with part of the first reading from January 1st.
   "The Lord bless you and keep you!
    The Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you!
    The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!
    So shall they invoke my name upon the Israelites, and I will   
    bless them."
                                                               Numbers 6:22-27
That is a wonderful verse to begin a new year!  May it bring you peace and happiness!

     It is time to get back into the groove and get back to work.  These first few days after a long break can be difficult, but hang in there.  Remember that getting enough rest and a consistent routine will help students get back into the swing of things.  
     I came across an article over the Christmas break that got my attention just in reading the title: "Life Isn't Fair!"  Learning how to deal with life's disappointments is a difficult concept for children and adults, but it is a much needed lesson.  This article is well worth the time to reading it.  The author makes some very good points about why our children need to be able "to roll with the dirty, street fighting, no rules, no honor punches life throws."  The article also gives some affirmation to parents when they are dealing with the "life's not fair" situations.  Helping our children accept and gain knowledge form these situations can develop skills that our children will benefit from throughout their lives.
     Including others, showing responsibility and developing a growth mindset will be the topics for the guidance classes this month.  The kindergarten classes will address being shy and including others.  While most of the kindergarten students have made friends at this point in the school year, being shy can still be a struggle.  This lesson will also help explain the importance of including others in their daily activities.  First and second grades are focusing on what it means to be responsible.  Teaching this concept at a young age will benefit them later on in life!  Kindergarten through second grades will be playing a game and reviewing a power point presentation when learning about these topics.  Third grade will focus on how to develop a growth mindset through an interactive power point presentation.  (The third graders appear to enjoy coming to my office for their class!) 
    I hope you experience a peaceful January! Please contact me at (270) 684-7583 or if you have any questions or concerns.

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       Hey April, I'm loving your weather!   I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and great spring break!  We are on the down hill sli...