Thursday, November 3, 2016


       While we should always be thankful, the month of the November is a time to reflect on all our blessings and show our gratitude.  This thankfulness works well with the respect and responsibility concepts being taught this month.  At the K-3 Campus, we will be focusing on respect.  I teach the kids that showing respect is like treating someone as the prized possession God made them to be.  I ask the students to think about one of their prized possessions.  Undoubtedly, the kids will tell me about various items.  Some prized possessions are things they have had from a very young age, that have little if any monetary value.  Some prized possessions are very expensive items that they recently received as gifts.  Either way, we talk about how we treat prized possessions.  We take special care of them.  Sometimes we are very protective of it and sometimes we are very proud of it.  Then we talk about how all people are God's prized possessions.  This reason alone is reason enough to treat others with respect.  Then we go on to talk about following the golden rule and how doing this is also showing respect.  As always, I teach the kids that they should be following their guidelines at home just like the do at school.  Here is an article from Focus on the Family that discusses respect at various ages.
     The 4th grade will focus on responsibility.  I discovered a wonderful new book by Julia Cook, titled, It's Not My Fault.  I read it to the 3rd grade last month.  The teachers and I absolutely loved it!  The kids seemed to enjoy it as well.  The 4th graders have realized that they have more freedom.  And with that freedom comes more responsibility.  As I mentioned last month, responsibility can be so difficult to teach and learn.  The biggest obstacle seems to be balancing extra curricular activities and school work.  Many times the staff at the 4-6 Campus hears excuses such as, "I didn't get my homework done because I had practice last night."  And the students always hear that that particular reason is not an acceptable excuse.  Now is the best time to teach students how to be responsible with their time.  Academics need to come first.  If they can learn this now, this skill will serve them well for the rest of their lives.
     The 5th graders will begin reading the Weird series.  This set of books looks at bullying through three different viewpoints: the victim, the bystander and the bully.  Author Erin Frankel tackles the situation from the standpoint of a girl who is frequently called weird by one particular peer.  She tries to change to fit in but ends up learning some better coping skills.  These books should be good for this age group.  At this point, kids begin to be more concerned about fitting in with peers.  I am hoping that the students can really relate to these books and learn from them!
     After our field trip to Brescia University, the 6th graders are ready to begin developing their Individual Learning Plans.  I will be meeting with the 6th graders during one of their computer classes.  The goal of this class is to complete a survey called "Matchmaker and My Skills."  In this survey, they will answer questions about skills that they would and would not be interested in doing in a career.  Based on their responses, each student will be given a list of 40 careers to review.  This class will teach them how to navigate the KHEAA and Career Cruising website.  Ask them to show you their list of careers.  If they have trouble signing into the website, remind them that their username and passwords are very case sensitive.  If they continue to struggle, please let me know by emailing me. 
      On a side note, I want to let everyone know that Glenn Funeral Home is sponsoring a grief camp for children who have suffered a loss.  The camp is for children ages 6 to 16 and will be held November 19th.  Please contact Betty Medley, Continuing Care Coordinator, at 270-683-1505 for further information.
     I hope everyone enjoys their November and has a blessed Thanksgiving!  Please let me know if I can help in any way.  I can be reached at the K-3 Campus (270-684-7583) or the 4-6 Campus (270-683-6989) or by email: 

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